[Life] Must Do in Taiwan

Taiwan's Check List :

   1. 参加垦丁音乐节 (4月)
   2. 去一次台灣的遊樂園
   3. 去美麗華和夢時代坐摩天輪
   4. 台北故宫博物馆参观
   5. 去花蓮看七星潭還有太魯閣
   6. 扫荡所有夜市
   7. 到101远眺
   8. 夜唱
   9. 阳明山拍樱花
   10. 猫空坐纜車
   11. 骑一次自行车或机车
   12. 海边看一次日出/日落
   13. 在阿里山坐小火车
   14. 在诚品书店消磨一下午
   15. 买到 张晓风 朱天心 朱天文 简嫃 龙应台 吴念真的台版书
   16. 去高雄看美麗島車站
   17. 九份的咖啡馆
   18. 去阿里山看萤火虫
   19. 西门町看电影
   20. 去平溪放天燈
   21. 去一次苏花公路
   22. 找到《我可能不会爱你》里的居酒屋
   23. 去《那些年》里的彰化一中
   24. 开始第一次沙发客生涯
   25. 泡一次温泉
   26. 吃火车便当
   27. 每天都喝养乐多
   28. 去垦丁潜水
   29. 听一次谁谁的演唱会
   30. 去女巫的店
   31. 去高雄,吃大碗冰
   32. 去台中高美湿地看一次日落,体验什么叫做天涯海角
   33. 去台灣大學的椰林大道照相
   34. 經過每一個火車站都按上郵戳
   35. 喝春水堂的珍珠奶茶
   36. 主题行 小镇之旅 鹿港、九份、淡水
   37. 主题行 明星之旅 MR.J餐厅、罗志祥STAGE
   38. 主题行 找偶像剧 《我可能不会爱你》《我在垦丁天气晴》里面的场景
   39. 去淡水吃阿婆铁蛋、阿妈酸梅汤、虾卷、阿给和看淡江中学真理大学
   40. 去光点参加艺文活动
   41. 日月潭坐船看纳鲁岛
   42. 台湾最大的台中逢甲夜市
   43. 在台中买到最好吃的太阳饼
   44. 宫员眼科 参观 拍照
   45. 参观 市里美术馆 二二八纪念馆 市里博物馆 当代艺术馆 故事馆
   46. 去集集火車站, 參觀舊的火車軌道, 然後拍一張躺在火車軌道上的傻逼照片
   47. 绿岛
   48. 花莲太鲁阁
   49. 在小琉球来一次机车环岛
   50. 吃到全台灣最正的抹茶
   51. 吃到全台灣最正的芒果冰 ICE MONSTER
   52. 大稻埕看夕陽

22 of 52 checked. Duh! Too less!

[Life & Video] Happy Valentine's Day & Happy Singles Awareness Day

Super long long time didn't update my bloggie.
And today is 14th Feb, Valentine's Day. But I have no valentine, so just celebrate my Single Awareness Day with my family.

Share two songs for my friends. A song for the friends who's in a relationship, and a song for the friends who're still single. Both songs from my favorite YouTubers. Hope you guys enjoy it and smile. :)

Song for who's in a relationship. Latest original from Jason Chen. 

Thank You by Jason Chen ft. ChaChi

Song for who're still single. An old original song from Joseph Vincent.
S.A.D (Single Awareness Day) by Joseph Vincent

OMG! Just realize I just leave few days holidays. Then I have to back Taiwan to start my new semester. Can I don't back so early?! I want more holidays. 

[Life] 53 days at Taiwan

Ops, found out I didn't update my bloggie for a super long time~
Let's update some news at my Taiwan Uni life, don't know how to start to update bloggie by words, so just update it by using images~ Teehee~ :D

My boarding pass, bye Malaysia. :(

Second times on plane, Hi Taiwan. :)

My very first meal at Taiwan.

Crazy on collect points to exchange my favourite - Doraemon~

My name a~ My company?! LOL!

Bought a Nicholas's 單曲~ Just get it on around RM4~ Woot!

Found KOI at Taiwan~ But, not nice at all~ :(

So milk~ 100% milk-holic~

This doggie always follow me when I'm at 7eleven.

#Young Money Cash Money Billionaires

My name stamp~ 

Crazy me! Bought two pairs Nike at just NT$2701~

My favourite cake brand at Taiwan - 85c.

Our 接待家庭見面會 desserts~ Fruits not sweet~ And finally I got a Taiwan's Dad & Mum~

Feel so warm when I saw this, although I'm full~

A box of Taiwan style moon-cake from our 接待家庭~ Thanks very much although it's different with Malaysia style moon-cake ~

16 pizzas in the house! Lecturer treat us pizza for celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival~ Here got Pork Pizza!! Woot~ :O

Very cute Doraemon cake.

My favourite ice-cream at Taiwan - Xiao Mei~

My new toy~ Have to research how to play this toy~ Have no idea how to shoot nice photo with this new babe~

Golf class~ Level up, playing rich people game! Hahaha~ Finally coach teach us how to pose and play golf~

Golf until finger haemorrhage~ Very pain~

Taiwan's style Roti Telur~

Big big froggie, I can bring you home?

SS in the class, I like bite my bag! LOL!

5 different design Doraemon and Dorami in da house.

Thanks girl for the birthday celebration.

And thanks boss too~ Boss, I love you. :P

Don't know why I smile so bright. :目

SS in the class~ Haha.

This ping pang ball want confuse me?! LOL!!

Collect 30 points to get a free Doraemon before the event end.

接待家長 bought me a cake and 2 guava~ ♥

My very first book at Taiwan, nice story line, make me read non-stop~

First time beer at Taiwan.

New toy at Taiwan, since WaWa and GuaGua not beside me~ Gonna give it a name.

Thanks all who came into my life, really glad to know you all. Trying my best to get use on this new stranger environment, a place with different culture. I'm enjoying my Taiwan Uni life now, although it's busy, and always can't sleep well.

Celebrated my very first oversea birthday at Taiwan. Thanks Mun Cheng & YS Ooi. Thanks for my 八寶之家 friends too, thanks for the cake, and feel so paiseh when they sang the birthday song in class, but it's touch me too. Ha!

And I want to shout out : I'M HOMESICK NOW!!!

[Life] Love, No Barrier 30-Hour Famine Camp

Third years participate in 30-Hour Famine, and this year I joined a big big camp - Love, No Barrier. So glad that I can be a volunteer this year, as a team leader. Dad & mum scolded me when they know I join this camp again, and kept nag me coz imma KL every weeks, it's cost me much money, include the toll fee, petrol fee, hotel fee and my expenses at KL. Spent more than RM250/trip. I'm tried to convince my dad, and told him this maybe will be my last year to join this meaningful camp. I tried my best to attend all the meeting, team leader training and even the most important test run.

I have not much confident to guide a 10 peoples team, and 1 leader have to guide for 2 team, it's means I have to guide 20 peoples in 2D1N camp. Fever before the camp day come, it's make my confident reduce more. Luckily felt well in the camp day. Due to I have no time to have ice breaking session with my team, so I felt like I can't integrate into the teams, I tried my best to memorize all my team members name, tried my best to communicate with them, tried best to did well in the game station session, movie sharing session, I cried out in movie sharing session, but I felt like my team members have to feeling at all, it's felt so hesitate and helpless. At last when they passed me back the feedback form, I saw one member wrote he/she was touch at movie sharing session when he/she saw his/her team leader shared till cried out, means I touch them?! First day of camp felt like not so close with them, but I felt that we're family on second day of camp, I don't want parting, I hate it~ My tear was roll inside my eyes when I hug them and said goodbye with them. Hope we can meet next time. See ya.

Get to know lot of new friends from this camp, from strangers to best friends and to brosismance. I learned lots from them, the sharing session, the C.A.T.A Culture, I love C.A.T.A Culture the most. Thanks all for helping me, and take care on me when I fall sick~ Love, No Barrier Rockzzzz~ Love ya.

Love, No Barrier Team Leaders Group Photo 
Yoohoo~ We're graduated from Love, No Barrier.

Team 21C & 21D
My team members - 21C & 21D.

[Cover] Jam Hsiao & A Mei - In A Moment by Jason Chen & Sharon Kwan

Here's another my favorite YouTuber's - Jason Chen. He did a second cover song with Sharon Kwan (if not wrong). The song was so amazing and make me felt comfort.
Music Never Sleep. Enjoy. :)
