[Life] He love WooYoung too?!

He is my nephew. He keep playing my 우영 phone strap. So he love 우영 too? Don't think so, he just love to play small small thing. LOL.

BiBi (1)
Keep looking on 장우영~

BiBi (2)
Ei, BiBi~ Why you eat my 장우영? DON'T!

BiBi (3)
Cute BiBi~

BiBi (4)
So clever, looking on my camera. =3=

[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Life] Happy Birthday TAECYEON

It's 2pm TAECYEON birthday today. As a moderator of 〓MONSTER╋2PM大马首站〓, sure I have to wish him also.

Here was some pictures that I edit for celebrate his birthday.
Long time didn't PS pictures already, so will felt a bit simple.

Icon 120*120
Icon 120x120 (1)

Icon 120x120 (2)

Banner 500*250
Banner 500x250 (1)

Banner 500x250 (2)

Happy Birthday TAECYEON. 택연 생일축하~
More picture please log on to 〓MONSTER╋2PM大马首站〓. :)

[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Life] Merry Christmas 2011

Oh, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh ♪ ♬

Didn't went out for Christmas countdown, so just simple countdown at home. LOL.
Christmas Day, it's also my cousin's wedding day. *Not so close with this cousin. LOL.*
Went to Kuala Lumpur in the early morning, everywhere was jam. Planning went Mid Valley before the wedding dinner start, but the cars queue is start from Mid Valley parking entrance to the bus station at Federal. So, we change it to Sunway Pyramid, it's look jam also, but not worst like Mid Valley. It's almost 4pm, all of us are starving, so just simple lunch at there. Rush to cousin's home after lunch, just because jam everywhere.
Simple outfit for wedding dinner, wrapped left hand, can't wear too nice also. So just wear a simple Paul Frank Santa Tee + collapse pants. And my yellow Converse bag. It's super boring when waiting the dinner start. It's should be start on 7pm, but it's started around 9pm. = =
Finally, it's serving at 9pm. After the first dish, I sit at there daze till the last dish serving - DESSERT. But I got my MP3 on this long waiting night. I'm a super picky eater, so the all dish in dinner, I just will ate the first dish and the last dish. LOL. I felt starving after dinner, luckily I got Ninja Joe's burger. Ha! This two days (25.12.2011 & 26.12.2011), I ate 8 Ninja Joe's burgers. Damn lots. Ha!
Simply passed my Christmas at Kuala Lumpur, so how about the coming New Year?

Should be start on 7pm, but it's start at 9pm. LOL.

My lovely MP3. ♥

Anyway, wish my cousin happy Wedding.
Frank Gan & Bitto Goh Happy Wedding & Everlasting Love.

*Merry Christmas*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[MV] Oppa, Oppa by SuJu DongHae & EunHyuk

Another version of Oppa, Oppa by SuJu DongHae & EunHyuk.
Director SuJu ShinDong.

*Oppa Oppa*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Video] Making of Mr.Pizza CF by 2pm

Oh Gosh! Looks very full when watching this making of. Can I have one slice of pizza too? :P
WooYoung so cute. Love him. ♥
Have fun. :)

[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[MV] Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays cover by Joseph Vincent & Jason Chen

Merry Christmas coming soon. Let's listen some Christmas's song.

*Merry Christmas*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Life] Accident

Shorty's birthday. But she can't celebrate anymore. I miss her.
I have to move back to Cameron, maybe won't stay at KL anymore. Because I have move all my things back to Cameron. So that day, my car was full with boxes and bag. LOL.
Before home, I had to fetch WeiWei back Kampar first, then I drive back Cameron alone.
A bad thing happened when I way back to Cameron, it's just few more km then I can reach home, but I accident. Damn.
That time felt super helpless, there have no phone signal, how I contact my family to told them I accident. My left hand was super pain that time, I not sure what happened on my left hand, it just can't move anymore. No one realize I injured, just kept asked me remove my car, it's cause the whole way jam. Damn them, they never saw my painful face, they just care on another accident car, just because the car got 2 children inside, but they not injured at all, but me. I saw the woman try to took accident scene, and I try to took camera from my car, but I can't, it's too pain. So, I have no any accident photos proof. I think never mind, because she took already.
Finally, someone sent me to clinic, but Ringlet's clinic all was closed. Damn! Then they sent me to General Clinic, and they have nothing can wrap my hand. The nurse was just wait and wait. Around after 15mins, she told me that she just called ambulance. Oh Gosh! And I wait for another 45mins, the ambulance finally reached. Turtle speed right?! After I reached Hospital, I wait for another 30mins, but they just simply gave me a painkiller injection. Wait for whole night, and finally they X-Ray my left hand, and wrap it. I had to overnight alone at Hospital, OMG, afraid. But it passed SAFELY.

Finally I can back home, but just a while, have to go Police Station report accident. Damn angry when telling the accident process, the policewoman keep nag on me, she said "You mesti nampak kereta dia punya, tak kan x nampak. Kita orang drive mesti mau tolak ansur, bila you nampak kereta dia sudah kat jalan awak, you lar stop bagi dia lalu dulu~". My heart OS "Hello policewoman, you keep said is my fault. Keep said I'll saw the car, if I really saw that car, I'll stop! And accident won't happen. Accident happened coz I really didn't saw the car! You thought I like accident? You thought I love your saman too? Better think logic a bit! Sekian terima kasih.". My dad was mad on the policewoman, just because of her never heard what I said, and keep said it's my fault. And I was show the polices the road situation, so it's really not my fault. And I told the policewoman the woman had took the accident scene, but she kept said "No! I didn't took any photos.". Damn you! You don't want to show the photos because you knew you're wrong but not me. So you afraid to show it to polices. After few hours, the policewoman was discussed with her sergeant, she said won't saman to both of us, so we can claim our each insurance. When I heard the woman said "We have spent around RM2k to repair our car, but she just bit.". Damn! Isn't your Honda expensive, and mine Saga very cheap? The policewoman refute her "You beli Honda because you manpu bayar Honda punya duit, dia beli Saga juga ikut kemanpuan dia.". LIKE what the policewoman said this time. Lucky it end with no saman and peace ending. Amitofo.

Car after accident
This was how my car look like after accident. :(

My fracture left hand.

*SAD :(*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Ent] Mnet Live byCJ Most Amazing 2011 in Kuala Lumpur

WeiWei asked me attend this concert since 2 months ago, so that time I can start saving money for this concert.
We bought the most expensive concert tickets, it's RM480.
After we get the concert tickets, a news came out, it's a concert tickets promotion sales. The concert tickets was less than 40% of the original price. Damn! We bought it too early. Think positive, at least we can get a nice view place.
Concert day, we around 3pm reached there, that's crowded, full with blue sea color. No doubt, all is SuJu's fans, include me & WeiWei. LOL.
The gate was opened around 6.30pm, we SMUGGLED DSLR in this concert. Ha! Lucky the security guards didn't realized it.
*Thuder-ing* Gosh! Like going rain soon, lucky we got prepared raincoat. But the end, the rain doesn't drop appear on this concert.
7.45pm, show going start soon. Here with some concert photos. Enjoy. :)

Miss A at MO.A
Miss A

B1A4 at MO.A

f(x) at MO.A

Super Junior at MO.A
Super Junior

YeSung at MO.A
He sang alone. If not wrong, his name is YeSung. From Super Junior.

LeeTeuk at MO.A
LeeTeuk ended show with a love sign. Cute. ♥ him.

MO.A poster with signature
Sign poster thru lucky draw.

More picture please log on to my Facebook.

[Photo Credit : We♥it]
