[Life] Merry Christmas 2011

Oh, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh ♪ ♬

Didn't went out for Christmas countdown, so just simple countdown at home. LOL.
Christmas Day, it's also my cousin's wedding day. *Not so close with this cousin. LOL.*
Went to Kuala Lumpur in the early morning, everywhere was jam. Planning went Mid Valley before the wedding dinner start, but the cars queue is start from Mid Valley parking entrance to the bus station at Federal. So, we change it to Sunway Pyramid, it's look jam also, but not worst like Mid Valley. It's almost 4pm, all of us are starving, so just simple lunch at there. Rush to cousin's home after lunch, just because jam everywhere.
Simple outfit for wedding dinner, wrapped left hand, can't wear too nice also. So just wear a simple Paul Frank Santa Tee + collapse pants. And my yellow Converse bag. It's super boring when waiting the dinner start. It's should be start on 7pm, but it's started around 9pm. = =
Finally, it's serving at 9pm. After the first dish, I sit at there daze till the last dish serving - DESSERT. But I got my MP3 on this long waiting night. I'm a super picky eater, so the all dish in dinner, I just will ate the first dish and the last dish. LOL. I felt starving after dinner, luckily I got Ninja Joe's burger. Ha! This two days (25.12.2011 & 26.12.2011), I ate 8 Ninja Joe's burgers. Damn lots. Ha!
Simply passed my Christmas at Kuala Lumpur, so how about the coming New Year?

Should be start on 7pm, but it's start at 9pm. LOL.

My lovely MP3. ♥

Anyway, wish my cousin happy Wedding.
Frank Gan & Bitto Goh Happy Wedding & Everlasting Love.

*Merry Christmas*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

