[Life] 6 more weeks

Yesterday went Hospital Besar Ipoh check-up again. Reached there on as appointment time - 11am. Have to go took X-Ray again. Alamak, still the same, why? I ate calcium capsule everyday, and I take good care on my hand too, the bones still can't nicely. Haiz~ Doctor told me 'You hand now got potency to recover, but have to wait 6 more weeks. Since you're girl, if operation, your hand will got a long scars, is not nice. So we wait 6 more weeks see whether the bones can joint nicely or not. If can't, that time need operation ady.'. I pleased Doctor change the POP for me, since I'll go vacation on coming CNY, I hope to take our family trip photos. Old POP make me feel damn hot + itchy, so my dad ask him change the Fiber POP for me. But it have to paid RM100. Swt~No way~ I don't want that bulky POP, so have to paid that RM100.
Staff of department POP removed my POP using a electric saws, OMG~ It's sounds scary, keep 'Geee Geee Geee', not dare to open my eyes. That time I felt my hand like on fire, lull and like no energy at all, felt pain + itchy as well. After clear remove that POP, I kept scratch on my fracture hand, that hand was so dried, whole covered hand was peeling. :(
Finally I changed it to a Fiber POP, it not bulky at all. Ha! I love it. This time I can move my whole fingers, but I have no energy to move it. Just because last 6 weeks, a part of fingers kept oppress inside that bulky POP. Have to do more finger exercise after it. Ehhhmm. I'm wondering will I forget how to drive after this 6 more weeks?



My new Fiber POP in blue color, nice? Haha.

[Photo Credit : We♥it]
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