[Life] New toy - iPhone4S

Woot! Thanks dad bought me a new toy - iPhone4S. Start addict on photo shooting after I downloaded lotsa photography's apps. And I totally addict on Instagram. Can post more than 5 photos in 3 hours. This the thing I won't did last time when I'm used HTC. I started hunt for my new toy shirts - iPhone4S's casing from TaoBao. I spent few days to hunted it, finally I chooses some. Not just some, should be lotsa also. I chooses 10 new shirts for my new toy! It's cost me around RM230, maybe my dad will kill me after he know the price I spent on it.

Instagram (1)
Pity Smurfs and Lego~ My nephew throw them away.

Instagram (2)
Domino's Pizza from dad.

Instagram (3)
Li Chun? And my egg can't stand at all. It's will stand because of the hole on floor. LOL.

Instagram (4)
Firework of Chap Goh Meh at Ringlet.

Instagram (5)
Green Tea Cream + Eastern Sunrise.

Instagram (6)
Way to celebrate Thaipusam. :P

Instagram (7)
Praying to Indian God.

Instagram (8)
BiBi want Twister apple also.

Instagram (9)
BCU my eye, so silly.

Instagram (10)
Tea time with Mami & BiBi.

Update from iPhone4S.

