[Life] I'm officially graduated from Diploma

Last week went back college to collect my Diploma Certificate. Should be took it on June or July, but some group assignment made it postpone. Few times went to KL just want to done all my group assignment, thanks dad fetch me every times since I can't drive after accident. It's so happy when I get the Diploma Certificate, it's represent I'm officially graduate from Diploma. Hmm, how slow I'm? Some people 21-year-old had finish his/her Degree Course, I'm just finish my Diploma Course.

Planning to continue my study at oversea (Taiwan). Kept request from dad, finally he promised let's me continue my study. But my mom was keep against on it. What can I do? I hope I can get fully scholarship, since In-House's students can get 50% scholarship if apply for Chao-Yang University of Technology. But my mom still not allowed. Maybe she worry about school fees and living expenses. :(

So what can I do if my hand was fully recover? Get a job? Or adhere to my study dream? Before accident, I tried hard to get a job. Even I apply the job that I'm not interested on, but no one reply. When I get a non-mass communication job, I prepared to work, and I accident. Guan Yin Ma, are you kidding me? I'm tried so hard to get this job, but at the end, I rejected it because I need time to rehabilitation my stupid fracture hand.

SPM Result
SPM Result still that important since I got my Diploma Certificate?

Diploma Certificate
My Diploma Certificate with my big name inside. :P

Congratulation to Mercury was officially graduated. Cheer~

