[Life] 6 more weeks

Yesterday went Hospital Besar Ipoh check-up again. Reached there on as appointment time - 11am. Have to go took X-Ray again. Alamak, still the same, why? I ate calcium capsule everyday, and I take good care on my hand too, the bones still can't nicely. Haiz~ Doctor told me 'You hand now got potency to recover, but have to wait 6 more weeks. Since you're girl, if operation, your hand will got a long scars, is not nice. So we wait 6 more weeks see whether the bones can joint nicely or not. If can't, that time need operation ady.'. I pleased Doctor change the POP for me, since I'll go vacation on coming CNY, I hope to take our family trip photos. Old POP make me feel damn hot + itchy, so my dad ask him change the Fiber POP for me. But it have to paid RM100. Swt~No way~ I don't want that bulky POP, so have to paid that RM100.
Staff of department POP removed my POP using a electric saws, OMG~ It's sounds scary, keep 'Geee Geee Geee', not dare to open my eyes. That time I felt my hand like on fire, lull and like no energy at all, felt pain + itchy as well. After clear remove that POP, I kept scratch on my fracture hand, that hand was so dried, whole covered hand was peeling. :(
Finally I changed it to a Fiber POP, it not bulky at all. Ha! I love it. This time I can move my whole fingers, but I have no energy to move it. Just because last 6 weeks, a part of fingers kept oppress inside that bulky POP. Have to do more finger exercise after it. Ehhhmm. I'm wondering will I forget how to drive after this 6 more weeks?



My new Fiber POP in blue color, nice? Haha.

[Photo Credit : We♥it]
Related Article : [Life]Accident, [Life]Praying

[Video] Ah Wing - Malaysia's Number 1 Salesman

Lately #LikeALouSai from Twitter was quite popular, it's Joseph Germani started it. Last week, Jin uploaded an Ah Wing - Malaysia's Number #1 Salesman teaser to his YouTube. And now, the short film was uploaded on YouTube too. This time Germani not LikeALouSai ady, he acts as a salesman this time, and who acts the Boss this time? Woot, it's AJ Rafael. Surprise when saw him appear in this short film. Germani funny as before, this time he make me laugh non-stop. LMAO. Ops, got a moment Germami still LikeALouSai, that's when he walked at the parking. And he really look like girl. Funny xia~ Hahaha. Can't stop laughing, let's enjoy the video. Haha. :D

Produce by : JinnyBoy

*Like A Boss*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Video] 2pm Hands Up Asia Tour Episode

Why I didn't saw Malaysia Tour in this video? How come? Sad lar. :(
And why WooYoung just appear a while only. Sad again. :(

I love Jang Woo Young. 장우영,사랑해~ ♥
Promoting 2pm's Forum - 〓MONSTER╋2PM大马首站〓 again. Support ya. :)

[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Life] Praying

Tomorrow - 18th Jan 2012, I have to go for my second times medical check-up. And tomorrow need X-Ray again. Hope everything will smoothly. My fracture hand please recover right now! I don't want this POP follow me again, it already follow me more than one month. Is damn painful with this stupid POP, and inside was damn itchy, I have to bear the hot weather, itchiness of hand & super dry + smelly hand. Oh Gosh! Lovely Doctor, please remove it tomorrow, please! I don't want that POP follow me go vacation. I want be photographer when I go vacation with my family. Guan Yin Ma please bless me, please please please.~

[Photo Credit : We♥it]

Related Articles : [Life] Accident

[Cover] The Beatles - Let It Be by Joseph Vincent

Just realize I didn't update my bloggie since last week. Ha! How lazy I am?! :D
But now, not update too much, just simple share a cover song from my boy - Joseph Vincent.

Support his latest single Bumble Bee at YouTube also. It's nice.

*Let It Be*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Life] Please Don't!

Just read all tweet from Twitter. I saw a sad news. :(
AJ maybe will cancelled his show if didn't sell out 400 tickets tonight.
Although I can't go, but all please go buy his ticket now. He really a talented singer. Cheer him up by purchase his show ticket & support him in his live show. Thanks. :)

AJ's Tweet

Don't forgot to to let your loved ones know that you love them. We never know what tomorrow might bring. - by AJ Rafael

*Please don't go. :(*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Cover] Taylor Swift - Sparks Fly by AJ Rafael, Krissy & Ericka

One of my favorite YouTuber again. He is AJ. :P
Here it's a Taylor Swift's song cover. Another two pretty girls cover with him too.
AJ is coming Malaysia soon. AJ Rafael band Red Roses Tour live in Kuala Lumpur. But it's too bad, I can't get the ticket from Rock Corner on Christmas Day 2011. And since my hand haven't recover, my dad surely won't let's me go Kuala Lumpur alone. Too bad. Last time I missed out Clara C, this time I gonna missed out AJ again. Hope next time I won't miss out my boy Joseph Vincent tour. :D

You can get the ticket from Ticket Hotline as well. Hope you all going, since Simple Plan plays the same day with him. Help him spread the world & support independent music!
Subscribe his music on YouTube's ilajil's Channel.
Enjoy. :)

*Sparks Fly*
[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Video] 2pm 2012 Calendar Photo Shoot

WooYoung was so cute even after drink bitter coffee. Prove that he can't accept bitter coffee also? Woo. It's same like me. :P
Inside the video of 2pm 2012 Calendar Photo Shoot, there had a thing same with my bracelet. It make me more love it, and more desire to own one 2pm 2012 Calendar also. But it's was damn expensive. = =

I love Jang Woo Young. 장우영,사랑해~ ♥
Promoting 2pm's Forum - 〓MONSTER╋2PM大马首站〓. Support ya. :)

[Photo Credit : We♥it]

[Life] Happy New Year. Hello 2012.

Countdown at home with my lovely laptop & TV.
Enjoy the countdown concert on both of my laptop & TV.
TV playing 2012 臺北最 High 新年城 and laptop playing Korean Music Festival. One side is Nicholas, another is 2pm. Haha. How enjoy am I. :P
I off my laptop after Korea finish countdown *Korea GMT+9:00* and before 12mn, too sleepy. So just lying on bed watching TV. Lazy girl. LOL.
It's back to Malaysia time after watched Korea countdown. Ha!
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1~ Happy New Year 2012.
Fireworks on TV, too sad I can't view it LIVE.
Welcome 2012, welcome worlds end. LOL. But I hope everything go fine.


[Photo Credit : We♥it]
